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Dear Members, Allies and Friends,

We are thrilled to announce the publication of the INEW Strategic Plan 2024-2026!

This marks an important milestone, as our strategy and values shape our work founded in the collaboration with our members. This plan for 2024-2026 will serve as our roadmap over the next three years, guiding our efforts with our members and partners to achieve our shared vision.

As INEW Chairperson, Aodán Ó Clúmháin, aptly puts it: “The Strategy is a codification of our orientation, values and actions towards realising both our commitment to reaching the furthest behind and our overall vision of a world where everyone realises their right to inclusive, equitable, and safe quality education“.

Our mission going forward is clear:

“To cultivate a strong collaborative network dedicated to advocating for and mobilising efforts to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and ensure inclusive, equitable, and safe quality education for all worldwide, with a focus on reaching the furthest behind.” 

For 2024-2026, we will focus on three strategic goals:

Advance knowledge of and promote education for all as a human right.

Build partnerships to effectively influence global education policy.

Strengthen the capacity and resilience of our network and its members.

We invite you to explore the full strategy to learn more about our values, priority areas, and strategic goals and actions.

Read here: INEW Strategic Plan 2024-2026. Learn more about our strategy and values here: Our Strategy & Values – Irish Network For Education Worldwide.