Irish Network for
We advocate for inclusive, equitable, and safe quality education for all worldwide, with a commitment to reaching the furthest behind.
We are committed to a world where everyone realises their right to inclusive, equitable, and safe quality education.
Advocating for Quality Education
to advance knowledge of and promote education for all as a human right.
Cultivating Partnerships
with members and partners to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4 worldwide, reaching the furthest behind.
Championing Education
to showcase the impact of education and the contributions of our members and partners.

2025 is a critical year for securing financial foundations for #EducationForAll. Learn from global experts on negotiation milestones and key actions to prepare on 30th January. Access recording and resources now!

Join our 10th December Online Seminar marking Human Rights Day yo learn about education as a human right under threat by climate change, with insights from COP29.

On 16th October, we celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child with an online seminar co-hosted with Plan International Ireland.

It is with great pleasure that we are inviting our members to the very first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Irish Network for Education Worldwide (formerly Irish Forum for Global Education), now taking place online on Tuesday, 8th October, 10am to 12pm.

The Irish Forum for Global Education now is the Irish Network for Education Worldwide
News & Blog
About INEW
We are a network of civil society actors and education stakeholders in Ireland dedicated to advocating for and mobilising efforts to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4 and achieve inclusive, equitable, and safe quality education for all worldwide, committed to reaching the furthest behind.
As a membership organisation we serve as a national platform for knowledge exchange, dialogue, and collaboration, driving advocacy efforts in Ireland and beyond to realise the right to education worldwide.
The Irish Network for Education Worldwide serves as the Irish Coalition within the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), a global civil society movement championing education for all.